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Sewing Like Crazy

This is the first blouse I have sewn in…well…ever. That’s not entirely true, viagra buy cialis but it may as well be. I’ve never made one that turned out well enough to actually wear. I’ve been sticking to skirts because they are easy, cialis buy unhealthy but what’s a wardrobe with 9 million skirts and nothing to where with them?

I am stash-busting and using a beautiful grey linen. I love linen so much, viagra and I am very please with it’s progress so far. Making a muslin version first was incredibly helpful and allowed me to figure out the tricky bits.

The pattern is a vintage McCall’s which I bought through Midvale Cottage on Etsy. I subcribe to here shop feed (dangerous) and have purchased a lot of vintage patterns from her.

I am sewing View A, although my collar is not as crisp

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. I love the use of tucks on this pattern instead of darts and the pleats around the neck. I am about 80% done. I need to do a little finish work like tacking down facings…and the buttons. Buttons. Wish me luck!

Comments: 3
  • Alicia September 17, 2012 4:36 pm

    Wow looks good! Very inspiring. One question though, where do the buttons go? On the back? It’s hard to tell in the picture. I really like your choice of linnen by the way, and the colour. Can’t wait to see it finished.

  • Mom September 14, 2012 9:05 am


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