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Shortcrust Pastry: Part One

We’ve had a cool patch of weather lately which meant I could turn on the oven again, cialis buy here and I took the opportunity to experiment with shortcrust pastry (my baking nemesis). I am determined to conquer it! I don’t have a food processor, which makes this dough challenging to put together. I have a mini-processor that attaches to my stick blender, which means I have to process the butter and flour in batches. As a consequence, I have made far too many tough crusts that have been overworked somewhere along the way

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I caught an episode of Rachel Allen: Bake!, and she mentioned that

instead of the ice cold water, she used eggs, as she found that the dough did not shrink in the oven. It was also helpful to watch the texture of her dough and how she sort of formed it on top of the plastic wrap. The episode will show again, check the schedule if you are interested. I thought is was really helpful. I used her recipe for this tart and it turned out perfectly! I used this Strawberry Gallette with Basil Cream recipe as a roadmap for the rest of the tart and it seriously was the best thing I have made in a long time.

Next up: I figure out how to “rub in the flour” and test Jamie Oliver’s sweet shortcrust pastry.

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