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Snowman Brownie pops


I saw these in a Williams Sonoma catalog and HAD to make some of my own. Wilton makes a brownie pop mold and I just used some of those regular old candy melts you can get  at Michaels to coat them. In the “next time I make these” files, discount viagra see I will use a regular old icing for the facial features. I went low-rent and used those little tubes of coloring and the problem with that stuff is that it never dries. I tried to package a few of these and their little faces smeared. I also dusted them with candy sparkle stuff for a little extra magic.

They are so cute and I am totally in love with them. However, best viagra thumb if you want to have your mind truly blown by holiday goodness, ask you have to check out Megan’s wee gingerbread houses that perch on the rim of your coffee cup

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. I just..the words escape me…

Comments: 3
  • Pingback: Merry Christmas « Busywork December 24, 2009 4:00 am
  • LauraVW December 23, 2009 8:29 am

    These are great – nice work!

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