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Spring garden update

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

It’s been a beautiful weekend! I love this time of year when the yard really starts to fill out. I built a mini greenhouse on Friday for one of my squares and I am so pleased with it. I needed someplace to put my tomato starts. I have two varieties of cherry tomatoes: Sun Gold and Zebra, cialis canada cialis a larger tomato (technically it’s Jeffery’s – but that’s a long story for another day) called Silver Fir and Sweet Pea currant tomatoes. The current tomatoes are so cute! I can’t wait to pick ’em.

The strawberries are blooming – pink! Aren’t they beautiful? My friend Diana gave them to me. They are mainly landscaping/ground cover wee type of berries, so no jam I fear. The lilac is blooming right now as well and is going to need a professional pruning before it collapses on the roof

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. Poor old thing. The shade garden is filling out more and more every year and is one of my favorite spots right now. The rest of the yard is a weedy mess at the moment – oh…so much to do!!

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