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Sun Tracking

I recently wrote about tracking the sun for my new garden plot and I whipped up this little graphic on a whim

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. It was a really good whim in a lot of ways. I’ve been feeling really unsure and uninspired regarding anything art related. I think I lost track of the feeling of creating because it makes me happy because I’ve been so caught up in the idea of trying to figure out how to make money creating – and not being able to bring myself to even start. A friend once told me something along the lines of “If you do something just for the money, viagra canada viagra then that’s all you’ll get.” Meaning no joy or fulfillment.  I think unconsciously I knew that and was stopping myself by forming some sort of “writer’s block”.

It’s a small start, best cialis viagra and a great reminder. No art related goals for 2012 other than to relax, quit pressuring myself, and only do things because I want to, not because I think I have to.

Comments: 2
  • marné January 12, 2012 11:04 am

    This is just the problem I’ve been having too. Being unemployed, I’m putting so much pressure on myself to use my creativity to earn some extra $$. I need to relax about that, and just let it happen.
    How’s your cold? I STILL have mine, what’s up with that 2012? Not a stellar start to a new year!

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