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Thai peanut brittle


Oh, viagra buy remedy I love it when my wild hairs actually turn out successful. I talked about making candy for the holidays a while back and mentioned being inspired by the nut brittles made by Morning Glory Confections.  I have persnonally never made peanut brittle so there was a lot of research and a couple of phone calls to Mom for support and guidance before I embarked. I always get nervous when I am dealing with molten sugar, there there’s the potential for so much to go horribly wrong.

So, what makes this “Thai”? I used coconut milk instead of the water called for in the recipe, I added about a tablespoon of fresh grated ginger, about two teaspoons of thai chili paste, and a teaspoon of vanilla.  What I am most proud of, however, is the fact that I was able to tell that I was at a hard crack stage even though my thermometer said otherwise. I needed a smaller pan and I think the ball of my thermometer was not submerged as much as it should be. I do remember making hard candy with my mom when I was little and she always went by the “drop a ball of sugar in cold water” testing method, which I remember doing. My recipe book had a great visual reminder of this method, and it reccommended testing twice, so when I was at a hard crack I pulled it off the heat. Another point of contention was whether or not I had raw peanuts. I didn’t pay attention to this part of the recipe and I didn’t buy raw peanuts, so instead of adding the nuts in with the sugar and cooking for another 15 or so minutes, I just stirred the peanuts in at the end.

I also wanted to cut the brittle into pieces, not shards like you usually see them and was unsure about how/when to cut the brittle

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. Fortunately I saved a candy making section from an old Donna Hay magazine and she has a recipe for sesame and pistachio brittle where she has you roll the mixture with a rolling pin and then cut it. If the mixture starts to harden too quickly, pop it into a preheated oven (400 degrees is what I used) and it will soften really quickly.

Now I have to think about packaging (my favorite part) and the next candy I am going to make: Smoked Almond Caramels.

Comments: 2
  • Momma Cush November 27, 2011 9:37 pm

    This sounds amazing! Do you have a recipe? Am I missing it?

  • Mom December 8, 2009 4:54 pm

    Wow, Erica, that looks great.  Save me some please!!!

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