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The garden from above

This year has by far been the best in terms of my garden. I have totally jumped on the Urban Homestead bandwagon (like a lot of people) and I have to say that it’s kind of exciting that this way of living is becoming more popular. I am giving serious thought about chickens and after the epic battle against slugs this year, viagra buy medicine I am thinking of adding a few ducks to the homestead as well

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. I hear they are slug eating machines. That’s down the road of course as I have two other portions of yard, buy viagra sovaldi aside from this one shown that need serious attention. This summer I was able to get rid of all of the grass in this area and add straw. It’s nice as it sort of acts like a blank canvas where I can imagine wonderful new beds packed with great things. I just pulled out those zucchini plants as I was getting zucchini coming out my ears and I want to plant a garlic-lined path to the well house. (That stick in the upper right corner is leaning against the well house door).

Next steps are to test my soil in spots so I can see what kind of amendments I need to add, order cover crop seeds, pray that my wee tomatoes ripen soon, order or buy garlic and start dreaming about next year!

Comments: 2
  • Christina September 22, 2010 8:04 am

    You’ve inspired me! Next year, I shall conquer the garden properly. I love your garden color photos too. Beautiful.

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