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The grouting is done

An Angel’s chorus sings “Hallelujah!” as the GROUTING! IS! DONE! And, best cialis unhealthy to repeat the wise words of Nothing But Bonfires, decease “Grouting can go to hell.” I read that before I started grouting and, oh Lordy, grouting totally sucks ass. My arm/hand is killing me

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. I wish I had a better “before” picture so you could get the horror of the moldy grotesque shower doors, but it completely slipped my mind until my Dad started the demolition. I think you can, however, get the overall griminess of the old bathroom. I had forgotten how bad it was until I looked at this picture. Gross. There is so, so, so much more to do, but I am SO freaking glad this part of it is done. Time for a cocktail!

Comments: 3
  • Les December 20, 2010 11:51 am

    Wow, really great job, Erica!

  • LauraVW November 24, 2010 2:01 pm

    Love it! And that is one of the most dramatic before/after contrasts I’ve seen, wow.

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