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The most awesomest lampshade ever


I don’t think I ever posted the final product of the 35mm lampshade I made this summer

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. It’s a project that has far, discount viagra cialis far exceeded my expectations and I love how it turned out. It would look a heck of a lot better without popcorn ceilings, tadalafil nurse but hey – you can’t have it all. Not yet anyway.

We are starting off the year in serious home improvement mode. We have purchased materials for new floors which we are thinking will go down sometime in March. So to prepare for the glory I am going to repaint the entire downstairs. One thing I have learned is that a dark color and dark curtains in this house = cave. It’s way too dark.  We are thinking of doing a light grey (I know, grey is so hot right now) with a hint of blue. I went to the paint store the other day after reading about Benjamin Moores Aura paint line and got a sample. It’s so amazing how light affects color:


Yes, it’s the same color on the right in both swatches. It’s perfect and I love it in the living room (left) but it’s too dark and too blue in the hallway (right). Oi, the dreaded hallway. It’s really important to me to have a paint that is low VOC and has amazing paint coverage over the darkness in the living/dining area, but I am starting to think that I am going to need a REALLY light color in the hall. I am not going to make the same mistake and settle for something I don’t like, so…back to the paint store!

P.S. Don’t you just looove the texture on my walls? WTF?

Comments: 8
  • CRISSI January 12, 2010 12:04 pm

    thanks for showing us your lampshade!   I love it.  Miss you too!!!!

  • Christina January 11, 2010 3:48 pm

    LOVE how the lampshade came together! Can’t wait to see it in person! Give our love to Jeffe.

  • mineralizer January 11, 2010 6:06 am

    The lampshade looks like a tv from a far. You got a really awesome style, with a mix of picture surrounding it. It’s a nice idea to add on my new pad.

  • Trixie Biltmore January 10, 2010 9:27 pm

    I was just coming in here to suggest Devine paint- we’re in Portland, and have painted most of the house with Devine paints.  They are really great quality paints and they look very nice in dark northwest houses.  They are almost one-coat paints.  We used one called Blade in a lot of the house- it’s a silvery green- in the Suede finish.

  • Karan January 8, 2010 12:16 am

    I love your lampshade! I want to learn how to make one of my own because I have all these really cool slides of my grandpa’s world tours! We used Benjamin Moore paints and they are the best ever. If you want lighten up a shade that you like, run a glaze over it. It gives a really cool effect!

  • Mom January 7, 2010 7:44 pm

    Wow!  Erica that is really cool.  The paint swatches are really different…like Michelle, I can’t believe they are the same.

  • michelle January 7, 2010 3:30 pm

    I can’t believe the two paint swatches are the same! They look completely different.  Picking colors is so difficult.  I hired a interior decorator friend when we painted the entire interior for our house.  We used Devine paints (made by Miller Paint) and loved how it turned out.  In our dark hallway, we used a color called Custard.  It was also used as the ceiling color in the entire house and really added continuity.  Good luck!

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