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The Past Week in a Picture

Well hellllooooo there! How is your March going? Out like a lamb? Ours is a soggy, discount viagra recipe dreary, troche rainy lamb. Jefe and I were on vacation last week, spending most of it in Portland. Our Lulu Bird was SO happy to see us when we came back. We got lots of snuggles intermixed with angry “why-did-you-leave-me?” bites.

Our trip was sort of a pre-birthday treat, but I just HAD to treat myself to something I’ve been lusting after for ages:

I can’t wait for these babies to arrive

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. I hope they fit. They are a part of my grand plan to start going to work NOT looking like a 13 year old boy. Good bye, my Chuckie All Stars, it’s been fun.

Comment: 1
  • Christina April 2, 2012 11:12 am

    Love the shoes!!!

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