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Thrift Score

Last year I made some pretty fantastic furniture scores at local thrift markets and I hope continued that trend this year. I’ve been on the hunt for little foot stools and I went into my favorite flea market with the intention of buying one (or two) that I had seen in there about a month ago

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. As is usually the case with things like this, (and I should totally know better by now) I should have bought them when I first spotted them because they were gone!

However, all is not lost. I picked up this beauty:

It’s a piano stool! I love the little round knobs. It will make the perfect side table for the chair I am still trying to make cushions for. It was a whopping $25 bucks! The paint looks like a darker teal in regular light, sick but when I take it upstairs to the guest bedroom, where it will live for real, the paint looks almost black – which is perfect. I might try to work on the top (seat) a bit to get the stains out, but aside from a good cleaning that’s all I’m going to do to it. I love it!

Wanna go thrifting this weekend? I saw two new stores in Olympia that I haven’t been in yet. We’ll do lunch!

Comments: 5
  • LauraVW January 17, 2013 1:36 pm

    I love the table, well found!

  • jess January 15, 2013 10:46 am

    New thirft stores? Where?
    Which is your favorite flea?

  • mom January 15, 2013 8:32 am

    Count me in!! I will buy!

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