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Tile decisions

You know…I just was not happy with either of the two choices of trim tile we were debating for the counter backsplash and the tub. They were stock from Home Depot, best viagra order and while they were nice, discount cialis they weren’t quite right

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.  So…everything has been on hold while we waited for samples from Anchor Bay Tile. They came really quickly and we have a consensus. We are going to go with the little round penny tiles in a color blend called Izu. I think they will look so good, especially since they will echo the shape of the floor tiles. Yay!

Question: I will need a special saw/bit for cutting glass, yes?

Comments: 5
  • Christina May 5, 2010 5:28 pm

    Nice choice!!! Lovely!

  • Mom May 4, 2010 8:33 pm

    You will be able to nip them with nippers like Dad had with him since they are so small.  Should work great!  I think a saw will be overkill.

  • Carrie May 4, 2010 8:31 pm

    Ooooooh, I like that color…

  • Karan May 4, 2010 7:02 pm

    I’m sure a hammer will break them just fine. Have you checked out the tile place downtown? They sell really nice stuff…can’t remember exactly where they are but there can’t be that many listed. Have fun!

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