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Tiling…it’s not that hard

Tile is on the wall! I was so afraid to start this project…the fact that I kept putting it off for, um…MONTHS is evidence enough. I finally got to the point where I couldn’t put if off any longer, staring at the backerboard day after day was making me crazy.

It’s messier than I thought it would be. I didn’t realize that the mastic would get everywhere, This is definitely a goopy finger project

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. I highly recommend having a bucket with rags and water next to you if you are going to tackle something like this.

Before I began I reread This Young House’s entry on their bathroom project, and it was really helpful. I also had a tiling book on hand to get me started.

There also might have been a panicked call to Dad to reassure me that I was doing everything correctly (which I was). Thanks Dad!

The most time consuming part of this project so far has been measuring and cutting the end pieces. Several times I mis-measured, cut tiles, realized I mis-measured, swore a bit..got glue all over the place…you know, that sort of thing. I kept forgetting to take off the measurement for the grout line. I would measure the space and cut the tile according to that measurement. D’oh!

I won’t be making that mistake again and I think the rest of it will go smoothly. I hope.

Comments: 2
  • Mom July 21, 2010 8:50 pm

    Erica…it looks wonderful. So proud of you!

  • Christina July 20, 2010 3:37 pm

    It’s underway! YAY! You’re inspiring me.

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