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Tiling the Bathroom Floor

If you have a house of a certain age, viagra canada viagra sale you probably have some sort of flooring similar to this lovely stuff that is in our bathroom:

Isn’t that gross? Now that it’s covered up I can’t believe I stared at it for so long. Yuck. This was my weekend project

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.  We bought all of the supplies, discount cialis viagra and measured and cut the backer board and got that installed first. That went pretty well. There was a minor hiccup in that the backer board screws seemed to be hitting an impenetrable layer and had to be pounded in. Upon further reflection, and some time away, it was discovered that the torque setting on the drill was the culprit.  Yesterday I got to work laying the tile:

I still have a small area around the toilet to do, which I am hoping to get done this week and then it’s on to grouting, which, in all honesty I am not all looking forward to. However, grouting a floor might be a lot easier than a tub surround. Let’s hope, anyway!

Comments: 3
  • Fredmund Malik April 16, 2011 6:46 pm

    I was searching for grouted and I found this blog. Keep blogging! I like it 😉

  • Karan March 28, 2011 3:29 pm

    While I did love the purple elements in your old floor, the new one is very cool!

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