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Twitter: Note to self bot

Do you tweet? I have to admit that I am a sporadic tweeter, viagra buy click but if you like you can follow me.  I had this blog hooked up so that whenever I updated, unhealthy it would tweet. But then I read that tweeting to advertise your blog post was bad form

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. Or is it? Oh the mores of social media…sometimes it’s hard to keep up. At any rate, pilule this was when I discovered the Twitter Note to Self bot. If you tweet “Note to self”, the bot will tweet it back to you, I am guessing as a gentle reminder. I started to read other people’s “Note to Self” tweets and they are hilarious, insightful, and full of helpful tips. I decided to illustrate my favorites. So instead of Illustration Friday, it’s Note to Self Friday at Casa Mulherin. Tweet credit goes to @VivaLaKittyKat

Good advice. Have a great weekend!

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