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Vegetable Starts and Minion Breeding

So….not only am I starting vegetable seedlings, cialis buy capsule I am also breeding spiders which I will train to do my bidding and unleash upon the people of Olympia in Phase One in the plan for World Domination. Killing two birds with one stone and such. These are cabbages, prostate or maybe broccoli, treatment and I am not quite sure what to do about the spiders. I suppose I will leave them for now and hope that they haven’t  multiplied too much. Yuck

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Looking good! Some of these babies will need to be thinned and transplanted into larger pots soon. I almost killed the whole flat last week because I lost track of time and hadn’t watered in a day or too. Oops!

In this flat I have more cabbages, broccoli, beets, kale, basil, lettuce, spinach, and mustard. Also started but not shown are tomatoes, onions, leeks, and scallions. Oh, and eggplant, which I am starting for the Wendell Berry Community Garden.

I expanded my light system this year and acquired a fancy heating mat which I love, love, love. The next phase is to actually get out in the yard and get the beds prepared for planting. I love this time of year. Even though it’s cold and rainy outside, starting seeds reminds me that fair weather is just around the corner.

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