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Veggie explosion 2009


Okay, viagra usa remedy so maybe “explosion” is not the most apropriate descriptor for a bean, viagra sale a carrot and three tomatoes, but I have a feeling this is about as much as I am going to get this year.  Which is cool. It’s a learning experience right? And I have learned that my garden is in the wrong part of the yard, something I hope to rectify over the fall/winter.

I love the carrot. It’s a Parisian Market and I think it’s so adorable, all plump and squat. I had grand plans to make Dilly Beans with all of the beans I was going to harvest…but…I fought an epic battle against slimy foes who staged repeated assaults against my tender leaves

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. I ended up winning the war, but sustained heavy collateral damage. I think I got about five beans total. Which was still pretty exciting.

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