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Weekend Hash

potato hash

I love making hash on the weekends. It’s almost always comprised of the same elements: potato, viagra sale sick pork of some sort, treatment cheese and eggs. Variation on a theme, depending on what I have in the fridge at the time. This weekend it was an onion theme using fingerling potatoes, sweet italian sausage from Oakland Bay Farm, onions, white cheddar, and onion tops from the farmer’s market

. I bought the onion tops on a whim and I decided to sprinkle them on the hash along with chive blossoms after the hash came out of the broiler.  It was so pretty, and tasty as well. The onion tops look like garlic scapes and they had a really lovely onionly flavor without being too overwhelming.

What else could we do with them?

Comments: 3
  • Kate Hitchcock June 2, 2010 6:17 pm

    That is, hands down, the most beautiful hash I have ever seen and hope to ever see. I’m coming to breakfast at your house this weekend! I wish I had your eye and your kitchen talent.

  • HERE BE DRAGONS June 1, 2010 1:59 pm

    I love hash.
    Who knew it could be so pretty?

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