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Wendell Berry Community Garden


I became a member of a community garden just a few blocks from my house earlier this year called the Wendell Berry Community Garden Olympia, WA’
The Wendell Berry Community Garden which is a project of Sustainable South Sound’s Urban Agriculture Program. I have already learned so much and have met some wonderful people in the neighborhood

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. It’s been an awesome experience so far.

Unfortunately the weather has been absolute SHIT this month but I was able to get some pictures of the garden during a rare appearance of the sun last Saturday. I hear it is going to make another, cialis canada viagra albeit brief, appearance again this Saturday so I will be taking my camera to capture a whole bunch of planting.

Comment: 1
  • Carrie June 8, 2010 3:14 pm

    Yay!  Are the bees doing well?  I remember the weekend I was there the bees were due to be delivered…

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