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What do I do next?

I’ve got the momentum! Now that the bathroom is (mostly) done it’s time to pick the next project!
Will it be:

Paint the Dining Room Table Project?

I’ve been wanting a pedestal table for a while now to replace the gigantic IKEA table we currently use. The dining room is a tiny space in the center of a major thoroughfare and a circular table will allow for better movement, take up less space, yet still allow us to seat the same number of people. I finally found my table at the local Restore for fifty bucks! Woo! This table has been sitting in our living room for a few months now, and as become a dumping ground for stuff. It’s making me crazy, so I’d like to get it into the dining room where it belongs.

Disruption-o-Meter: 3 out of 5. It’s going to be an involved process painting (and sanding and priming and sanding again) in a cold-ass garage, and the old table will need to be moved into my sewing room (new sewing table, FTW!) which is so messy I currently don’t have room for it

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. Ugh.

Or, will it be Finish the Chair Project?

I am actually almost done with this one. I found this chair a million years ago on the side of the road FOR FREE and finally got around to painting it this summer. This chair is going to be a cast member in a larger Spare Bedroom Makeover Extravaganza. It was also my first time painting with milk paint. I chose to do a “Chippy” paint finish, which is not really my style, but you don’t have to sand or strip or remove paint or even CLEAN the piece, so hey. I’ve been loving everything coming from the awesome Miss Mustard Seed that I decided to just go for it. I chose a more modern print for the cushions so it doesn’t look too “Shabby Chic”. The juxtaposition of styles makes it “eclectic”, right? RIGHT? So now that it’s painted and chipped and waxed, all I have to do is make the cushions.

Disruption-o-Meter: 2 out of 5. I just need to get some foam cut and sew the cushions. It will involve piping and zippers and MATH, so while it’s not super easy, it’s not anything I can’t handle.

And finally…our last contestant…

The Do Something About This Entryway Already, Dammit! Project

I need a console type thing where I can hang my purse and keys and mail and general stuff that seems to collect on the various surfaces throughout the house (like dining room tables). This distribution of crap is starting to become a big problem. LITTLE PILES EVERYWHERE. We need a PLACE for our THINGS. I am thinking pipe shelving. (Of course.) I’d like to be able to get the paper shredder in this location as well, so that’s an issue I’ll have to solve. I have already painted the picture frames that I am going to use as mirrors and I’ve replace the hideous light that was there before…so…I’ve sorta started on it.

Disruption-o-Meter: 4.5 out of 5. So…pipe shelves. Have you seen how expensive pipe is? Yikes. I really need to figure out exactly what I need out of this space and then figure out how to execute it. Do I get bins? Do I build a cabinet? Shelves? I need a rug! Do I really need an umbrella holder? Sigh.


Chair. Writing this post helped me see what I have to do with each project and considering the fact that the chair is mainly done, I might as well continue with the Finish-What-You-Have-Started-Before-You-Start-Something-Else theme and finish the dang chair. Woo!

Comments: 6
  • Christina December 3, 2012 9:50 pm

    Love your Disruption-o-Meter rating system! I think I need to start using that to evaluate our loooooong list of projects!

  • Kirsten November 29, 2012 4:08 pm

    Ha! Before I got to the bottom of your post, I was going to suggest the chair. I have experience of trying to paint during our cold damp winters and it makes the difficulty level double in my opinion. I like working on those homey/cozy projects during this time of year myself. Can’t wait to see the chair when you’re all done!

  • Mom November 29, 2012 8:11 am

    Because of the light switches on the shorter wall, and the small space there, I personally would look for wall mounted storage, or a narrow chest to put on the longer wall. Go “junkin'”. Maybe a bench? Love the dining room table!

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