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White Gazpacho

I have been wanting to experiment with chilled soups since last summer, viagra buy prescription when I never seemed to get around to doing it. So, viagra usa like the hash, I am going to make one cold soup a week. To kick us off, I chose to make White Gazpacho with Pickled Shrimp from Food and Wine magazine. I got gorgeous local spot prawns, and was actually able to find marona almonds at a local store.

This was an amazing soup, I have to tell you. Seriously decadent and rich, I don’t think I could eat too much at one time. I think it would be perfect as a small bite. I served it in these awesome rolly polly shots glasses, which was perfect

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. I also still a little wary about the “chilled” aspect of these soups …”room temperature” might better.

Do you like chilled soups?

Comments: 2
  • Carrie July 28, 2010 8:43 pm

    That’s interesting…I bought the stuff for regular gazpacho yesterday at Trader Joe’s before I saw this post. It just seems like cold soup weather right now.

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