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I was just looking for my Resolution post from last year and realized that I didn’t post anything! I also nuked my list that I keep in Evernote to make room for 2013 goals so I can’t remember everything I wanted to accomplish this past year to check to see how I did. Oh well! The main thing I feel when I look back on 2012 is how fast it seemed to go. Things that I thought happened in say, actually happened in February.

Here’s my 2013 Resolution and/or Goal List:

  • Be better about taking a daily vitamin
  • Build drawers for the pantry
  • Print/silkscreen fabric
  • Blog more – and more consistently
  • Create art from personal family stories
  • Work on the house – quit being lazy
  • Take better photos
  • Sew more of my clothes
  • Organize my crap
  • Keep working out consistently, especially with the weight training
  • Eat better – less bacon
  • Make cheese
  • Make pasta
  • Master the art of Hypertufa
  • Build a coldframe and a potting bench
  • Front porch – get some damn pots already!

My goals are not super grand…I don’t want to run a marathon or anything like that. I’m not even sure that they can be considered “resolutions” but I take comfort in setting goals for the year ahead

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. I feel like it gives me structure and a sort of roadmap for the year. The most important thing is that I don’t beat myself up if I don’t accomplish what I want to do. I think the “front porch” goal has been on this list for the past five years and I haven’t slit my wrists over that one yet. Yet.

Do you make resolutions?

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